You’re not alone if the thought of creating social media content makes you cringe!

Making a choice to create consistent social media content will have huge effects on your business, if you do it correctly, but building new habits takes time.

The most important step is getting started!! Here are a few tips and tricks to consider as you move forward:

Consistency is key

Don’t worry if you’ve already missed a few days of the month, in fact, don’t worry if you miss a few each week!  Aim to post 3-4 times/week to start.  Honestly, you may even find that is the ideal frequency for you forever. As long as you post consistently and stay on brand, the frequency is less important.  Choose topics and post types that are easily executable for you and don’t be afraid to batch, ie. create content for several posts at once, which will save time and energy!

You don’t have to recreate the wheel

Look for curated content (content created by others that you can easily share), as long as you include a personal caption that ties it back to you or your brand, it will have impact!  Try google searches for popular quotes, motivational quotes, memes or even search by platform, ie. Instagram images.  You can find some pretty cool graphics this way!  Make sure to give credit to any photos or graphics where source is stated.

Patience is the other key

It takes time to build an engaged following.  Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a lot of traction right away.  The main thing is that you’re adding content, and whether people engage with it or not, they are seeing it and seeing you and your brand.  Think of it this way, if you’re telling a story face to face, just because the recipient doesn’t interrupt at every pause to tell you they are listening doesn’t mean they’re not.  Your audience is there and they are listening, just make sure you’re giving them enough of the story to keep their attention.

Get over yourself

It is daunting and overwhelming to post content that features you, but you have to do it!  Think of your social platforms as virtual networking events.  You wouldn’t show up at an event without showing your face, would you?  Potential clients want to know YOU.  While that doesn’t mean your entire feed needs to be your face, you should make regular appearances.  The more informal the better!  Let your audience get to know you, and chances are, they will like you too.  People do business with people they like.

To get started, take a lot of selfies, delete them if you must, but get comfortable taking them.  Start taking a few small videos, delete those too if you feel uncomfortable watching them, but keep doing it until you’re ready to start watching them, then start posting them.  Remember, it shouldn’t be perfect!  Think of the people you find the most influential on social media, chances are it is because you can relate to them!

So, that’s it, stop reading, grab your camera, take a selfie or a video, search for a cool quote or photo and get posting!

If you have any questions about any of these tips or tricks, please feel free to get in touch!

Happy posting!