What is the name of your company? *
Do you have a company tagline or slogan that could be used as part of the logo?
Do you have corporate values and/or a vision/mission statement? If so, please include them here:
How does your audience learn about your product, organization or service?
Describe your brand voice
What makes your brand different from others?
What’s your brand vision?
What is your brand’s objective?
Describe your target audience. Who are they?
What social platforms do they use?
What issues matter to them?
How does your brand engage them?
What does your audience say about you?
Who else (brands/celebrities/people) does your audience engage with?
Why do people choose you over your competitors?
What is your purpose on social media?
What is the main message your brand is trying to communicate?
What do you hope to achieve using social media? How will you know you’ve achieved it?
What’s the biggest barrier to your success on social media?
How does social media fit into your growth plan?
What apps or programs do you currently use for content creation?
What is your workflow process for content from inception to publication?
What sign-offs do you require?
How often do you want to publish new content to your profiles?
How does social media tie in with your offline campaigns?
What type of content does your audience respond to best (if known)?
What type of content do you want to create for your audience (images, video, quotes, blog posts, etc.)?
What tone should social media updates have?
What message are you trying to send with your content?
How do you use user-generated content in your campaigns?
What holidays do you want to observe?
What profiles do you have and on which networks?
Are you looking to expand onto new networks?
Are you looking to narrow your focus to fewer networks?
What tools have you used to manage your social media profiles until now?
What have you tried in the past?
What is working for you (and not working) right now?
Please include anything else you'd like us to know about your social media preferences and strategy: