If you are the face of your brand, this download is for you!
Often, as Solopreneurs or Independent Contractors, the lines between our Personal and Professional brand can be undefined and confusing!
That’s because as the face of your brand, it’s important to infuse parts of your personality into your overall brand strategy, and especially into your social media strategy but it can be overwhelming figuring out just how to properly use the two.
The Keen to Screen download provides you with a basic framework on how to forge connection with your aligned audience, outline the journey to best reach them and to create an approach that will tie everything together while adding value and driving conversion.
1. Creating Connection by using the 5 Cs of Personal Branding
2. Outlining the Client journey by using the Know, Like, Trust principle
3. Finalizing your soft sell approach
Please feel free to reach out via email or DM if you have any questions about how to implement these processes into your social strategy.
This download is based on the foundational concepts from the Keen to Screen program, which is a value-packed social media training for anyone that is looking to up their social media pressense as a Solopreneur or to empower their team to be impactful brand ambassadors.
If you’d like more information on this program or would like to inquire about having it delivered to your team, fill out the form below and we will get in touch!